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Oven lid hinge

Micro ovens are appliances that have numerous parts joined together with hinges. There are many different kinds of hinges. This article is on the oven lid hinge.

Oven lid hinge as the name suggests is the hinge that is used to keep the lid of the oven in place. The cover of the oven has a hinge attached to it which keeps which the lid of the oven intact. The hinge also helps the internal machine or the heating system by making it keep warm when required. After the cooking is done it helps in cooling down of the micro oven too. So it plays a major role in keeping the oven at a suitable temperature.

The oven lid hinge helps to effectively hold the lid of the oven in its proper place and ensure that the oven can perform its entire task in the proper fashion. Similarly there are other hinges like the oven door hinge that keeps the door in its place ensuring it does not come off while using it. But with constant use the hinges get a bit faulty and loose and when that happens one can easily replace it with another hinge that is available in the market. 

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