Oven front door hinge
Micro ovens are characterized with a front door through which the user puts the food to be cooked inside the oven. The front door is always the most important region. In case of a house the door should be of best quality as well as good looking. Likewise in case of a micro oven the door has to be of best quality.
Generally the door of a micro oven are made of glass; glass doors looks good as well as are useful as one can see the food that is being cooked inside. The front door is attached to the main machine by hinge which is known as Oven front door hinge. Hinges are used to keep the door attached to the body of the machine. They not only help in keeping the door attached but it also plays many roles in the function of the oven.
Apart from the front door there is another door can the user can not use but it is used by the person who mends the machine when it has problems. This door is also attached using hinges made for that door which work just like the oven front door hinge.